Paolo Braghetto

Two faces, one passion.

Sound engineer

He approaches sound engineering as a passion, studying after his busy workday and following professionals at work.
In 2015 he turned this hobby into a profession, striving to expand his knowledge to cover the whole spectrum of music, and become the sound engineer of the Dubbing Academy of Rome.
In this way, he developed a deep understanding of how to use the voice, which is applicable in the music field.

He currently deals with audio production at the DropC studio and at the Summertime Choir, for whom he produces the Christmas live performance recordings.



Composer and musician in the Heavy Rock Band, Ragin'Madness, he plays the role of the band's pain in the ass in every way , as described in a song dedicated to him entitled " A genius like me"- a nice way to make fun of him for his huge ego.
